About Us
A2Z Media Corporation was formed by its members after many years of experience working within the Film and Television Production sector for public, private and cable broadcast in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
In light of the increasing role that film and television production is playing in the Georgia economy, it follows that a new company such as A2Z Media has identified a particular niche to focus its brand of customized services. That is, the provision of a expert consulting and production management services tailored to the needs of small and medium sized companies/organizations/entities.
In fact, “home grown production companies” have been identified as a missing piece in the growth taking place in film industry ecosystem here in Georgia, according to a statement made by Ryan Millsap, executive chairman of the board at Blackhall Studios as quoted in the report in the Atlanta Business Chronicle referenced above.
A2Z Media Corporation’s goal is to be a vehicle that facilitates and supports the growth of new, local production companies. Our aim is to offer complete production support ranging from concept to post production at a cost that is affordable, competitive and rewarding. In addition to supporting emerging production companies, we recognize that the dominant usage of social media platforms in promotion, marketing and sales for every type of venture is driving demand for professional quality and effective audio visual products for all types of entities.